Sneak Preview: Automating Lead Acquisition Ebook (FREE Download!)

Hillary Black
5 min readDec 18, 2019


I recently launched a brand new ebook — Automating Lead Acquisition for Mortgage Lenders — and wanted to share an exclusive preview with all of you! Here is a look at what you’ll find inside of this 23-page complete guide to automating your lead qualifying and follow-ups, converting more leads and growing your business in new ways. Even if you aren’t a mortgage lender or loan officer, the strategies and value shared in this free book can still help you.

Inside you’ll find:

  • Why your business needs automation
  • How lead acquisition bots work
  • The basics of text-enabling your business
  • Specific, real-world examples for Facebook and SMS acquisition bots
  • How to drive organic traffic and ways to advertise your bot
  • How to get started today + free Mav trial offer

Enjoy a preview of the Strategy section of Automating Lead Acquisition, and download your free copy of the entire book here.

Bot Strategy For Lead Acquisition

The strategy of customer acquisition for mortgage professionals is simple. You enable an SMS bot on your phone number or attach a bot on your Facebook Page. Then, a potential client clicks on an ad (more about those later), messages your Facebook page, or texts you from your website, social media, business card, etc., and they’re placed into a conversation with your bot. By the end of that conversation, your bot should collect the information you need to turn this lead into a client.

There are different types of experiences your bot can deliver, led by your goal. You may be familiar with customer service experiences, engagement, or “fun” experiences, and acquisition experiences. The best way to for mortgage businesses to convert more leads and create a successful bot experience is by providing value with an acquisition bot. The most significant value leads can gain from a mortgage bot is to pre-qualify for a mortgage. This is a high-value experience for your clients because they are already searching for it online, and allowing them to interact with a bot and find out very quickly if they pre-qualify lowers the barrier for these leads. They have nothing to lose, only something to gain! Using a bot instead of a traditional web form or phone call also speeds up the process. It tells your user if they pre-qualify right away, increasing the likelihood they will continue with your brokerage and not a competitor. And, the act of pre-qualifying and determining what type of home they can afford is one of the first steps a user will take in the home buying process, so it’s crucial to have tools in place to capture these leads.

How Mortgage Lead Qualification Works

This formula is a quick and easy way to supercharge your acquisition efforts. Instead of spending your time asking the same qualifying questions over and over, your bot will automate the process. Think of it as a member of your team that takes the tasks of educating, qualifying and following up off of your plate. We’ll review how to drive traffic to your bot with examples for organic SMS traffic, and paid ads on various platforms later on. First, let’s take a deeper look at bots on SMS, the most valuable acquisition platform.

Why You Should Text-Enable Your Business

Customer acquisition with SMS should not be ignored. In fact, it should be the preferred. Customers love to text, and they want to text with businesses. Text-enabling your business will put you ahead of your competition. These stats illustrate only a few of the impressive reasons why you should add SMS to your marketing strategy.

Additionally, as a marketing channel, SMS is superior to websites and Facebook. Here’s why:

Thinking of properties you “own” (a website) vs ones you don’t (Facebook), SMS is one that you own — your phone number. Unlike a website, SMS is a persistent channel. Non-persistent means when a lead leaves your website, even if they interacted with your website bot, they are gone, and you cannot engage them again. With persistent channels, a lead messages you on Facebook or texts you, and they become a user that you can re- engage strategically at a later time. This makes SMS a double win: an owned property that’s also persistent.

Lastly, one of the greatest things about SMS is that everyone uses it. All carriers, all phones. Even non-smartphone users can text, so the reach is incredible. Don’t forget about those incredible open rates I mentioned earlier, which are far greater than email or organic social media posts.

Download Automating Lead Acquisition for Mortgage Lenders to continue reading…

I’m Hillary Black, the Head of Marketing & Chatbot Strategy at Mav. Want to chat bots? Join my Private Facebook Group of conversation designers!

This post originally appeared on the Mav blog.



Hillary Black

✨🎀 Conversation Designer, Founder of, Host of Conversation Designers Internet Club. More Resources: